Setting up Water flow test of CO2 prototype at TUV-SUD-NEL (Uk).

Cignus Instruments AS Martin Nese is well-positioned to lead the development of the next generation of Mass-flow meters, with special focus on the CCS industry. We also see great potential in implementing such meters subsea, where it is crucial to know the exact amount of CO₂ distributed to each well. All of this points to an exciting future for Cignus Instruments and their contribution to global CO₂ reduction, says Ernst Petter Axelsen, Gassnova’s representative in the CLIMIT program and advisor to the Cignus project.

Read more at Climit (Gassnova): CLIMIT; Testing of Mass-flow meters for CO₂ – Climit

Read more in the Cignus Instruments develops a new solution for direct mass flow metering of CO2:

Read more about the project at CLIMIT:
Project: Design, construction and installation of Cignus mass-flow meter prototype for CO2-testing at Equinor P-Lab. – Climit