Cignus Mass flowmeters delivers high accuracy measurements for a wide range of applications where traditional technology may be challenged.
Key properties:
- High accuracy at very low fluid density, like natural gas and hydrogen. Process optimization through accurate measurements reduce cost
- Scalability to large diameters and / or high operating pressures allows for a less complex system with fewer instruments reducing cost
- Where low pressure loss is important. Pressure loss equals energy loss and energy loss equals cost.
Hydrogen Production, Storage and Transportation
The H2 – value chain comprise numerous applications where flow measurements are important.
- H2 – production
- Pipeline transport
- Ship cargo on/off loading
- Large capacity fuelling
Cignus mass flowmeters for H2 have been tested with a mass flow deviation less than 0.2%FS with H2-flow up to 600kg/hr at 40bara (equivalent to H2-production capacity of 30MW).
Pressure loss is negligible compared to traditional meters. The testing gives excellent results proving Cignus mass-flow metering technology is well suited for high accuracy measurements with any gas.
Cignus Instruments is developing H2-meters for electrolyzer monitoring, large scale production and pipeline transport.
The CO2 – value chain comprise numerous applications where flow measurements are important.
- Pipeline transport of gas, liquid and supercritical CO2
- Ship cargo on/off loading
- Subsea injection
In large scale CCS projects Cignus measurement technology offers benefits over other technologies, such as ultrasonic, venturi and Turbine flow meters. Limitations with traditional technologies may include impure composition (mixed phase), large pressure drop and installation requirements. Cignus mass flow meters gives the benefits over traditional Coriolis flowmeters, but also meets further applicability requirements.
Cignus mass flow meters;
- Flexible in installation in regards to flow conditioning
- Adaptable to standard and very large piping sizes
- Adaptable to any operating pressure
- Close to zero pressure drop
- Handle mixed fluids better (liquid phase with some gas, gas with liquid impurities)
- Suited for submerged applications
Cignus mass flowmeters for CO2 have been tested and confirms TRL6 for CCS.
Fiscal Metering
Fiscal metering refers to the measurement and reporting of fluids for commercial transactions, regulatory compliance, and taxation purposes. It is a cornerstone of the custody transfer process, where precise measurements ensure transparency and fairness as ownership of the product changes between parties.
Cignus mass flowmeters measure mass-flow and fluid density directly without the need of relying on any secondary variables and can be applied in fiscal metering where high accuracy is required.
Process industry and R&D
Traditional Coriolis flow measurements for direct mass flow has a long history of use in the process industry with benefits of high accuracy, little maintenance and good versatility eliminating need for density and temperature compensation.
Cignus mass flowmeters can be applied in traditional applications, delivering key benefits of lower pressure loss and high accuracy at high pressure and low densities.
Submerged applications
Traditional Coriolis flowmeters are not commonly delivered for subsea use.
Cignus mass flowmeters layout allows for design adaption for submerged use at high external pressures and can be used subsea.
Cignus Instruments welcomes inquires on special applications where traditional Coriolis technology may be challenged due to high pressure, flow limitations, pressure loss, acccuracy, scaling (project cost) or a combination of these factors.
Single Cignus mass flowmeter compared to complex manifold system of several Coriolis meters in parallell to allow for mass-flow measurement through the initial piping dimension. Cost of measurement is reduced and project scope is simplified.